Dorota Skrzypek founded AOH Consulting to focus her 20 years of experience in transportation planning and project management on providing clients with solutions for a range of assignments. Her most recent and highest impact projects are listed below.
Sacramento International Airport Master Plan Update: Responsible for managing the 2020 Master Plan Update, including coordination with other planning efforts to create a comprehensive, strategic, and realistic planning document. Updating the forecast to represent the 25 percent growth in enplaned passengers since the time of the last forecast (2016), customer parking and aircraft gate facilities were the focus of the update. Public and technical committee outreach via virtual platforms was part of the coordination efforts.
Burbank Airport FAA Environmental Assessment: Providing technical support for two new departure procedures proposed by FAA at Burbank Airport to address longstanding air traffic control needs for additional operational flexibility in the congested airspace.
Ontario International Airport Transfer of Ownership and Program Management: During transfer, responsible for managing the ALTA Survey, ALP, and Exhibit A update efforts, updating the Airport Certification Manual and Airport Security Program, coordinating transfer of engineering and environmental records as well as the transfer of environmental permitting for air quality, stormwater, wastewater, CUPA, and wildlife. After transfer, working with the OIAA to build a Capital Improvement Program, structure and manage engineering and environmental teams/departments and create project approval and procurement processes internally and with the City of Ontario; including establishing DBE and ACDBE programs, and collaborating on writing and adopting the OIAA NEPA/CEQA Guidelines and OIAA Procurement Manual.
Ontario International Airport Owner’s Rep - Working in a project management capacity and as Owner’s Rep on tenant improvement and capital improvement projects; including Guardian FBO Hangar and Office Building, FEDEX Cargo Sort Facility Building and TWY extension, Terminal 4 Delaware North Concessions Expansion, and Terminal 4 TSA Security Lane Activation.
Ontario International Airport Project Environmental Entitlements - As part of project entitlements process, submitting and receiving FAA approval for NEPA CATEX documents: Guardian FBO Hangar, FEDEX Cargo Sort Facility, ALP Update, Airport Pavement Management Study, RWY 26R TDZL, TWY S, International Terminal/Federal Inspection Services Facility Replacement, T1 Apron Reconstruction, and South Cargo Ramp Reconstruction.
Land Use Planning and Development, Policy, and Regulatory Evaluation: Los Angeles County Transportation Authority Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project Construction Safety & Phasing Plan (CSPP), FAA Advisory Circulars (ACs) for master planning and solar guidance; San Luis Obispo Airport Land Use Compatibility Report, Perris Valley Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan, City of Perris General Plan Airport Overlay Zone, City of Cloverdale Alexander Valley Resort Land Use Compatibility Assessment, Legal Rebuttal on the Ontario International Airport Noise Exposure Map Update.
Design-Build Document Management, Technical Writing, Editing, Design: Los Angeles International Airport design submissions for Taxilane S, Crossfield Taxiway, Concourse Construction Package, and Central Utility Plant; Los Angeles International Airport Utility Master Plan; Responsible for the management of the design-build documents for L.A. Metro’s $2 billion Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project including the Context Sensitive Community Design Report, this eight-volume design-build package consisted of scope of work, performance requirements, and technical reports.
Regulatory and Policy Evaluation: New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Metropolitan Area Airspace Redesign Draft Environmental Impact Statement; Las Vegas Four Corner-Post Plan Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment; Baltimore International Airport Part 150 Update.
Project Management: Oswego County Airport Master Plan Update; Cortland County Airport Master Plan Update; Banning Municipal Airport Master Plan Update.
Technical Analysis for Other Planning Studies: San Diego International Airport Taxiway Charlie Analysis; Fire Island, Alaska Airport Site Concept Feasibility Assessment; City of Phoenix Aviation Department Site Selection Study (Airspace Feasibility Assessment); San Diego International Airport Terminal Gate Utilization Study.
Where does your project need more support? We offer planning and project management services to meet your needs. We are DBE/SBE certified to ensure your project has diverse professionals. Send us a message or call us to discuss how we can help you reach project success.